4:186286227:C:T (rs2289252)

Nearest gene: F11

Most severe consequence: non coding transcript exon variant

AF 4.2e-1(ranges from 4.2e-1 to 4.3e-1 across all phenotypes)

AF in gnomAD genomes 2.1: FIN 4.1e-1, POPMAX 4.0e-1, FIN enrichment vs. NFEE: 1.016

INFO 1.000 (ranges in genotyping batches from 0.955 to 1.000 )

Number of alt homozygotes: 57827

View in Open Targets , gnomAD , UCSC , GWAS Catalog , dbSNP

p-values smaller than 1e-10 are shown on a log-log scale
I Certain infectious and parasitic diseases (AB1_)II Neoplasms from hospital discharges (CD2_)II Neoplasms, from cancer register (ICD-O-3)III Diseases of the blood and blood-forming organs and certain disorders involving the immune mechanism (D3_)IV Endocrine, nutritional and metabolic diseases (E4_)Diabetes endpointsV Mental and behavioural disorders (F5_)Alcohol related diseasesPsychiatric endpoints from Katri RäikkönenNeurological endpointsVI Diseases of the nervous system (G6_)VII Diseases of the eye and adnexa (H7_)VIII Diseases of the ear and mastoid process (H8_)Cardiometabolic endpointsIX Diseases of the circulatory system (I9_)X Diseases of the respiratory system (J10_)Asthma and related endpointsInterstitial lung disease endpointsCOPD and related endpointsXI Diseases of the digestive system (K11_)Dental endpointsGastrointestinal endpointsXII Diseases of the skin and subcutaneous tissue (L12_)Rheuma endpointsXIII Diseases of the musculoskeletal system and connective tissue (M13_)XIV Diseases of the genitourinary system (N14_)XV Pregnancy, childbirth and the puerperium (O15_)XVI Certain conditions originating in the perinatal period (P16_)XVII Congenital malformations, deformations and chromosomal abnormalities (Q17)XVIII Symptoms, signs and abnormal clinical and laboratory findings, not elsewhere classified (R18_)XIX Injury, poisoning and certain other consequences of external causes (ST19_)XX External causes of morbidity and mortality (VWXY20_)XXI Factors influencing health status and contact with health services (Z21_)Drug purchase endpointsOperation endpointsDiseases marked as autimmune originDemonstration endpointsMiscellaneous, not yet classified endpointsOther, not yet classified endpoints (same as #MISC)Comorbidities of AsthmaComorbidities of Neurological endpointsComorbidities of COPDComorbidities of DiabetesComorbidities of Gastrointestinal endpointsComorbidities of Interstitial lung disease endpoints-log₁₀p-value024681016254063

3095 total codes
category phenotype beta (se) p-value -log10(p) af cases af controls number of samples UKBB UKBB N samples
IX Diseases of the circulatory system (I9_) Venous thromboembolism 0.20 6.5e-59 58.2 4.7e-1 4.2e-1 14454 / 294700 NA NA
IX Diseases of the circulatory system (I9_) DVT of lower extremities and pulmonary embolism 0.21 4.8e-58 57.3 4.8e-1 4.2e-1 12559 / 296595 NA NA
IX Diseases of the circulatory system (I9_) Pulmonary embolism 0.23 2.1e-41 40.7 4.8e-1 4.2e-1 6753 / 301704 NA NA
Cardiometabolic endpoints Pulmonary heart disease 0.23 2.2e-41 40.6 4.8e-1 4.2e-1 6753 / 302401 NA NA
IX Diseases of the circulatory system (I9_) Pulmonary heart disease, diseases of pulmonary circulation 0.22 4.8e-39 38.3 4.8e-1 4.2e-1 7450 / 301704 NA NA
IX Diseases of the circulatory system (I9_) DVT of lower extremities 0.20 2.0e-32 31.7 4.7e-1 4.2e-1 7008 / 267090 NA NA
IX Diseases of the circulatory system (I9_) Phlebitis and thrombophlebitis (not including DVT) 0.17 1.6e-17 16.8 4.7e-1 4.2e-1 5135 / 267090 NA NA
IX Diseases of the circulatory system (I9_) Other embolism and thrombosis 0.22 5.4e-17 16.3 4.8e-1 4.2e-1 2958 / 267090 NA NA
Cardiometabolic endpoints Diseases of veins, lymphatic vessels and lymph nodes, not elsewhere classified (FINNGEN) 0.074 4.8e-15 14.3 4.4e-1 4.2e-1 36246 / 156457 NA NA
IX Diseases of the circulatory system (I9_) Diseases of veins, lymphatic vessels and lymph nodes, not elsewhere classified 0.058 1.3e-13 12.9 4.4e-1 4.2e-1 42064 / 267090 NA NA
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